Gulf Cartel Gunmen in Mexico Kidnap 31 Passengers from Bus

Authorities in Mexico are trying to hide the kidnapping of 31 passengers from a bus at the hands of the Gulf Cartel. The kidnapping victims are believed to be migrants who were headed to the border city of Matamoros — the bus’s ultimate destination.

The kidnapping took place on Saturday night when bus #9570 from the Senda company was traveling from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, to Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

When the bus passed the city of Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas, a group of gunmen in five vehicles blocked off the bus and forced the driver and 36 passengers to get out of the vehicle.

The gunmen questioned the passengers to determine which passengers were migrants who were trying to reach the border and kidnapped them. The missing passengers included men, women, and children from Venezuela, Colombia, Honduras, and Mexico.

The Gulf Cartel allowed the remaining five passengers to continue their journey to Matamoros.

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